Welcome to the Mad Bad World of Navneet...Yahan Kuch Different hoga, Kuch aisa jo na kabhi dekha naa kabhie suna...par kaano mein ek mithaas Ghol Dega...Aapka Apna Meetha Meetha Sa Blog

Jun 15, 2010


Guruji has spoken bout Seva in many talks and it was there in different different places...Just brought it under one Umbrella....Once one reads the entire stuff below...Seva ke sabhi Fundey Clear ho jaatey hain...lot of Clarity, Confidence and energy comes....Isko padne ke baad Pranaa level bahut bada sakta hai ;).... !!!!

What is Seva...I think the Phrase " Gift a Smile" says it all...Bahut Seedhi Aur Saral Definition...!!!

Seva - Anything which brings smile to another person and makes his Heart Bloom is SEVA...!!!

Now let us see what the AOL CEO has to say bout it.... Scroll Down and read the Executive Summary from HHSSRS..!!!

Here it goes-----


  • If you split seva , it is se and va, it means like him, like the way God does things for you. You have to work like him.
  • The way to overcome personal misery is to share universal misery! The way to expand personal joy is to share universal joy. Instead of thinking, ‘What about me? What can I gain from this world?’ Think, ‘What can I do for the world?’ When everyone comes from the point of contributing to society, you will have a Divine society. We have to educate ourselves and culture our individual consciousness to expand with time in the Knowledge... from ‘What about me?’ to ‘What can I contribute?’
  • If you are not having good experiences in meditation, then do more seva – you will gain merit and your meditation will go deeper. When you bring some relief or freedom to someone through seva, good vibrations and blessings come to you.
  • The way to expand from individual to universal consciousness is to share others’ sorrow and joy. As you grow with time, your consciousness should also grow. When you expand in Knowledge over time, depression is not possible. Your innermost source is joy.
  • Seva brings merit;Merit allows you to go deeper in meditation; Meditation brings back your smile.
  • Service is the expression of love. Serve in whatever possible manner you can. Ask yourself, "How can I be useful to people around me, and to the whole world?" Then your heart starts blossoming and a completely new level begins. Otherwise we're always thinking, "What about me, what about me?" It's nothing! Ask, "How can I be useful, how can I give to the world?" The best seva is helping someone to understand this eternal nature of life.
  • Your service is your inner attitude, not the action. To take is the nature of animals. To give and take is the nature of human beings. To give without taking is the nature of the Divine. Through giving, we grow in divinity.
  • Kept to ourselves, our happiness will become stagnant and fade away. To increase our joy we must share joy with others. Giving is essential for spiritual growth. A willingness to share what we have and to help others is called seva.
  • Seva is our own inner joy pouring forth into action. It is not a compulsion, duty or uncomfortable obligation, but instead a natural state of mind that is poised to offer what is needed according to time, place and situation. Seva connects us to others and makes them a part of us. The barriers dissolve that separate our happiness from their happiness. Lingering moods of unhappiness or depression dissipate when our focus is on helping someone else. We come to realize that the true measure of our lives is not how much we have gained for ourselves, but how much we have given to others.
  • We can serve others in endless ways by using our own creativity and imagination. When one looks for opportunities, it is easy to locate small ways to help even amidst busy daily routine
  • Behind everything is your ego: "I, I, I, I." But in seva there is no "I," because it has to be done for someone else. It is for the need of the time, or surrounding people, that you do it.
    Whenever you have worries, just post them to me! Have faith that only the right thing will happen to you. Trust in yourself and in God. Remove all negativities. The mind can go towards the negative. This is where the Sudarshan Kriya* helps; it turns the negative into the positive. It turns hatred into love, anger into awareness.
  • Whether you consider yourself intelligent or not, there is no escape from SEVA (service), for Seva gives immediate satisfaction as well as long-term merit.
  • There is no question of success if you have nothing to gain. There is nothing to gain if you have only come to give and serve. Success indicates non-supremacy. Success means what? It indicates that there are chances of failure. If something is supreme there is nothing to lose. People running after success only exhibit their limitations.
  • People who are willing to serve will have good times even in the bad times. When there are problems such as famine or war-torn countries, the Red Cross people will be fine as they are serving. The more relief they bring, the happier they feel. And people who are selfish and who just want to enjoy themselves will be miserable even in good times. Often the organizers of a party do not enjoy the party because some little thing is missing, they forgot to invite somebody, somebody did not come or some little thing went wrong. A wise one is happy even in bad times. And the stupid one is unhappy even in good times.
  • You are not required to do what you cannot. You will not be asked to give what you cannot give. Nothing is expected of you that you cannot do. Doing service involves only doing what you can do. And no one wants you to be someone whom you are not. This realization brings you deep rest. You cannot rest if you have either ambition or lethargy. Both are opposed to good rest. A lazy person will toss and turn at night and be "rest-less" and an ambitious person will burn inside.
  • One who does a lot of work will never say he did a lot. When someone says he did a lot of work, that means he can do more. He has not done enough. Work does not tire you as much as the doership does. All the talents you have are for others. If you have good voice, it is for others. If you are a good cook, it is for others. If you write a good book, it is for others. What do you do? You dont sit and read your own book! If you are a good carpenter, it is for others. So all of your talents are useful for others. If you are a good surgeon, it is for others. You cannot do your own surgery. This is interesting. If you are school teacher, it is for others. You cannot teach your own children; they dont listen to you anyway. So all your work and talents are for others. If you dont make use of your talents, they will not be given to you again.
  • Poor people fight for food. Rich people share their food. Richer are those people who share power. Richer still are those who share fame. Richest are those who share themselves. Richness of a person is indicated by his ability to share and not by what he hoards. Godliness is enjoying sharing fame.
  • When you do seva don't think you are doing a favor for somebody. You have done the seva and it has rewarded you immediately. Its reward is for sure and is always more than your doing. Your expectation of reward for the seva turns the seva into labor. If you think you have done a lot, you will do very little; if you see you have done a little, then you will do more. Seva is even when you don't see an immediate reward there is no complaint; labor is even after an immediate reward, there will be complaints. Be grateful for any opportunity to do the seva.
  • Our first and foremost commitment is to do seva (service) in the world. If there is fear in your life, it is because of a lack of commitment. If there is confusion in your life, it is because of lack of commitment. The very thought I am here in this world to do seva (service), dissolves the i and when the i dissolves, worries dissolve. Seva is not something u do out of convenience or for pleasure. The ultimate purpose of life is to be of service. An uncommitted mind is miserable. A committed mind may experience rough weather but will reap the fruits of its toil. When you make the service your sole purpose in life, it eliminates fear, brings focus in your mind and purposefulness, action and long term joy and may be short term problems!
  • Many people quit doing seva as they put their self-image, prestige, respect, comfort and convenience ahead of their goal. That is how in groups people shy away from seva -- when they don't get a position, when they get insulted, when they feel they are not getting what they expected out of it, and when they consider their goal as a struggle rather than a challenge. And that is why only few people in the world succeed in reaching their goal.
  • There are five types of seva.The first type of seva is when you do not even know that you are doing seva. You do not recognize it as seva because it is your very nature - you cannot but do it!The second type of seva is what you do because it is needed in that situation. You do the third type of seva because it gives you joy. The fourth type is done out of your desire for merit - you do seva expecting some benefit in the future. And the fifth type is when you do seva just to show off, to improve your image and to gain social or political recognition. Such seva is simply exhausting, while the first type does not bring any tiredness at all! To improve the quality of your seva, regardless of where you start, you must move up to higher levels of seva.
  • Always know that the Divine never gives you a responsibility you cannot fulfill. Nobody ever expects you to treat them if you are not a doctor. Nobody will ask you to fix their wiring system if you are not an electrician. Your responsibility is only what you can do. And you do not know what you can do! Always accept that you do not know what you can do. Ignorance of your capability can expand you!
  • God created man and the whole world with so many varieties, so many good things. God made so many types of vegetables, fragrances, flowers and thorns, dragons and horror, to please man and keep him entertained. But man got more and more depressed. God then acted tough and man had to start pleasing Him. And so, man kept himself busy pleasing God and he became happier since he had no time to get worried or depressed. So, when you have someone to please, it keeps you on your toes and you feel happier. But if your whole aim is just to please yourself, you will get depressed. Pleasure simply brings more craving. But the problem is that we try to get contentment through pleasure. True contentment can only come through service.


  • So what if somebody recognizes you: "Oh, you are a wonderful person." So what? In that person's mind that thought came and went. It is also finished. That mind has gone. Maybe they keep an attraction for you for some days, some months, so what? That also goes it also goes.
  • Much energy is wasted in trying to charm others. And in wanting to charm---I tell you, the opposite happens.
  • One is our job, the other is seva. Both are different. You do your job for livelihood. Seva means seva- Doing like Him. God has given you everything, whether you remember him or not. He wants nothing in return. Do work and be in the way that will make the other person happy. The reward of seva comes only when when you want nothing in return.

Q: Apart from the joy one gets in service, is there anything else also that one gets?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You get what you call good luck. Doing service increases your luck. But doing service in order to enhance luck will be cheating. You do service because you cannot live without that. Do whatever you can in your capacity.

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